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How Politics Can Mess with Your Mental Health (And How to Keep Your Cool During Election Season)

Emily Wezner-Stepaniak, LPC

Ahh, election season! The time of year when your TV, social media, and even your group chats are full of fiery debates, campaign ads, and that one friend who’s convinced they could fix the world. While democracy in action is exciting, it can also be downright exhausting for your mental health.

Don’t worry—we’ve got your back! Let’s break down how the craziness of politics can mess with your mind and what you can do to stay sane until the ballots are counted.

How Politics Turns Your Brain Into a Stress Ball

1. Anxiety on Overdrive

You know that feeling when your favorite character is about to do something risky on a TV show, and you’re screaming at the screen? Imagine that, but it’s your life, and the stakes are way higher. The news, social media, and heated debates can make you feel like you’re on a never-ending rollercoaster of what ifs. It’s no surprise this all leads to extra anxiety.

2. Anger, Rage, and Everything In Between

Ever catch yourself yelling at the TV, your phone, or maybe even the mirror? Politics can trigger deep emotions, especially when things clash with your personal beliefs. If the constant bombardment of different opinions makes you want to Hulk-smash something, you’re definitely not alone.

3. Feeling Helpless AF

Sometimes politics can feel like a huge, unsolvable puzzle. You want to make a difference, but everything just seems so big and complicated. The “I’m only one person—what can I do?” blues can creep in, making you feel powerless in the grand scheme of things. Cue the existential crisis!

4. Relationship Drama

Got that one relative who somehow brings up politics at every family dinner? Or maybe your office break room is now the battlefield of the Great Coffee Machine Debate? The political tension can strain even the best relationships—whether it’s with family, friends, or co-workers. Awkward, right?

So, How Do You Survive Election Season Without Losing It?

Great question! Let’s get into the fun stuff—how to chill out, stay sane, and maybe even enjoy the process.

1. Mute, Block, or Just Walk Away (from the News)

Look, the news is always gonna be there, and guess what? You don’t need to watch every single minute of it! Give yourself permission to tune out for a bit. Set a “news o’clock” and stick to it. Bonus points for choosing trustworthy sources instead of getting sucked into conspiracy black holes.

2. Social Media Detox: The Real MVP

Ever scroll through your feed and feel your blood pressure rise? Social media is like the Wild West during election season, with memes, arguments, and endless rants. If it’s too much, take a break! Mute accounts, set limits, or delete the app for a while. You won’t miss much, and your mental health will thank you.

3. Self-Care Like a Boss

When political drama’s got you down, it’s time to pull out the big guns: self-care. You deserve some pampering! Whether it’s a relaxing bath, a yoga session, or a guilty-pleasure TV show marathon, do whatever recharges your batteries. Pro tip: fresh air and exercise are magic for your mood. Even a 10-minute walk can turn things around.

4. Focus on What You CAN Control (Not the Whole Universe)

Instead of stressing over what might happen, zero in on what you can actually do. Vote, volunteer, or support causes you believe in. Even a small action can make you feel empowered and connected. Plus, you’ll feel way less helpless knowing you’ve made a positive impact—no matter the outcome!

5. Play Nice: Find Common Ground

Okay, so not everyone agrees on everything. Shocker, right? Instead of getting into fiery arguments, see if you can find some common ground in your conversations. Agreeing to disagree is totally okay, too! The goal is to keep the peace, not start a war.

6. Your Support Squad Is Key

Don’t let election stress turn you into a hermit. Stay connected to the people who keep you grounded. Talk things out with friends, family, or even a therapist if you need a little extra help managing the stress. A solid vent session over coffee or a Zoom call might be just what the doctor ordered!

7. Gratitude Is Your Secret Weapon

When things get heated, it’s easy to lose sight of the good stuff in your life. Try this: every day, write down a couple of things you’re grateful for (pro tip: puppies and pizza are excellent mood boosters). Shifting your focus to the positives will help you stay balanced when everything else feels chaotic.


Politics can be a wild ride, but you don’t have to let it wreck your mental health. By setting boundaries, practicing self-care, and remembering to breathe, you’ll make it through election season with your sanity intact.

Remember, no matter who wins, you are always in control of your own well-being. You got this!


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